The Kristin Omdahl Show Episode 908 Beach Yoga

The Kristin Omdahl Show Episode 908 Beach Yoga

One of my very favorite things for relaxation is beach yoga! I love the beach, I love yoga, and I love love love beach yoga. I wanted to share my love and enthusiasm for beach yoga with you today. These are some super beginner poses. But please check with your doctor before beginning any exercise regime. And if you are too stiff to complete these stretches without pain, please listen to your body. Pain is a message from your body that you should stop.

Yoga to me is just as much about focusing on my breathing and enjoying the nature around me as it is about the poses and stretches. Taking deep breaths in, pausing for a moment and taking deep breaths out is a wonderful practice whether or not you combine it with yoga poses. Beach mediation is fabulous, too!

You can watch my first beach yoga episode here:

And here are the yoga poses I featured in this video:

Easy Pose
Start in a seated position, bend your knees and cross one shin in front of the other. Sit up straight with a long back and rest your hands on your knees. Sit directly on your sitting bones. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose.

Seated Neck Stretch Pose
Remain in the same seated position as the last pose. *Allow your ears to fall toward your shoulders, then back up. Then circle your head to the left. Allow your ears to fall toward your shoulders, then back up. Then circle your head to the right.  Repeat for 6 – 10 deep breaths.

Left Seated Twist Pose
Remain in the same seated position as the last pose. Twist to the left, looking over your left shoulder, only as far as you can go while keeping your head aligned directly over your tailbone and keeping both hips (and sitting bones) directly on the ground. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose.

Right Seated Twist Pose
Remain in the same seated position as the last pose. Twist to the right, looking over your right shoulder, only as far as you can go while keeping your head aligned directly over your tailbone and keeping both hips (and sitting bones) directly on the ground. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose.

Left Seated Side Bend Pose
Remain in the same seated position as the last pose. Place your left palm on the ground, near your left hip. As you inhale, raise your right arm out to the side and up above your head beside your right ear. As you exhale, extend your left hand out, letting your torso, head and left arm follow you as you bend to the left. Extend your right hand out while keeping your right arm parallel to the floor. You should feel a stretch in your right side. Do not take your buttock off the floor as you bend. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose.

Right Seated Side Bend Pose
Remain in the same seated position as the last pose. Place your right palm on the ground, near your right hip. As you inhale, raise your left arm out to the side and up above your head beside your left ear. As you exhale, extend your right hand out, letting your torso, head and right arm follow you as you bend to the left. Extend your left hand out while keeping your left arm parallel to the floor. You should feel a stretch in your left side. Do not take your buttock off the floor as you bend. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose.

Bound Angle Pose
In a seated position, bring your heels in toward your pelvis and allow the knees to relax out to the sides. Clasp your feet with your hands and focus on engaging your core to lift the torso and press your chest forward, allowing your spine to lengthen. Bend forward through the hips and focus on maintaining a long spine. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose.

Wind Relieving Pose
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet together and arms beside your body. Bring both knees toward your chest and press the thighs on your abdomen. Lift your head and chest off the floor and touch your chin to your knees. I like to rock back and forth to add a lower back stretch. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose.

Left Lying Spinal Twist Pose
Lie comfortably on your back and extend your arms out alongside your body in a “T” shape with your palms facing up. Bend your right knee and raise your leg up and cross it over your left leg. Try to bring your knee to the floor while at the same time trying to keep the right shoulder blade on the ground and turn your head toward the right. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose.

Right Lying Spinal Twist Pose
Lie comfortably on your back and extend your arms out alongside your body in a “T” shape with your palms facing up. Bend your left knee and raise your leg up and cross it over your right leg. Try to bring your knee to the floor while at the same time trying to keep the left shoulder blade on the ground and turn your head toward the left. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose.

Bridge Pose

Lie on your back, bend both knees and place your feet flat on the floor hip width apart. Your arms should be flat alongside the body with your palms facing down. Your fingertips should be close to your heels. Press your feet into the floor, and lift the hips up, rolling your spine off the floor. Lightly squeeze your knees together to keep your knees hip width apart. Press down into your harms and shoulders to lift your chest up. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose. To release, exhale and slowly roll the spine back to the floor.

Corpse Pose
Lie flat making sure your spine is straight and your shoulders are touching the ground. Let go of holding your arms and legs straight so your feet and hands can fall open to either side. Palms can be facing upward. With your eyes closed and concentrating on your deep breathing, relax your whole body. Take 6 – 10 deep breaths as you hold this pose. Then congratulate yourself on a job well done!


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