Enter to win this quarters Shawls for Sharing Giveaway today!
The Alessia Knit Shawl Pattern is the pattern focused on for the 4th quarter of 2022 (Oct 1 – Dec 30). This is a top down increasing triangle shawl with a beautiful ruffled edge. The centre gusset has a subtle yet meaningful message of Xs and Os to symbolize the love and intention we put into every stitch when handmaking a shawl for friends we know and friends we have yet to meet.
Thank you so much for supporting Shawls for Sharing! The Fall 2022 Contest includes three fabulous prizes including a knit or crochet Kristin Omdahl pattern of your choice ($3.99 value), a knit or crochet Kristin Omdahl eBook of your choice (retail value $12.99) and the grand prize is for 2 hanks of Lascaux DK Yarn from Ancient Arts Fibers (retail value $60)
You can enter in a variety of ways (please see entry form for details):
- Enter your email address
- Subscribe to mailing list
- Like or comment on my Facebook page
- Subscribe to my YouTube channel
- Watch the Alessia Knit Shawl video
- Watch any of the Shawls for Sharing #GivingTuesday episodes of the Kristin Omdahl Show
- Share with your friends on Facebook or Instagram

Alessia Knit Shawl Pattern
100% of the proceeds of this pattern are donated to charity.
Watch the weekly Shawls for Sharing Livestream Videos here:

Enter to win this quarter’s prizes here:
[giveaway id=22357]Shawls for Sharing is the newest Project Kristin Care initiative. The funds raised by the sale of the Project Kristin Cares Shawls for Sharing Patterns will be donated to the help survivors of domestic violence. You can help raise awareness, and end domestic violence, by purchasing these special patterns, donating directly, and/or participating in our KAL and CAL events, and then donating your Shawls to the location of your choosing. Together WE can make a difference.
Shawls for Sharing details:
Each quarter I will release a dedicated knit or crochet shawl pattern. 100% of the proceeds of the sale of the pattern during that quarter will be donated to the National Network to End Domestic Violence.