Gracie Knit Lace Shawl Pattern, Free Pattern Page by Kristin Omdahl
This is a top down increasing half-circular shawl with a beautiful wave texture inspired by the classic feather and fan stitch pattern. While beautiful in one color, the gradient 5 color kit is absolutely exquisite with this design. This is an ad-free free pattern page for the Gracie Knit Lace Shawl Pattern. You can download the PDF pattern for only $3.99 HERE. If you have an account, you will get the download pattern to save to your devices, plus receive reward points and have 24/7 access to your very own download library here on the website where you can access your paid patterns anytime and receive unlimited downloads.
Download the ad-free Gracie Knit Lace Shawl Pattern with charts here:
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
What you will need:
- 1050 yds (1051m) #1 fingering weight yarn
- US7 (4.5mm) circular knitting needles, 24+ in cord length
- Yarn needle
- Scissors
- Stitch markers (optional
Shown in:
Be So Fine Yarn Gradient Kit; 100% bamboo fiber; 1150 yds (1051m) split into 5 mini color balls of 230 yds (210m) per 1.4oz (40g); shown in Denim Blue Gradient colorway.
The pattern is shown in Be So Fine Gradient Yarn Kit but would be equally as beautiful in one color of any of my other #1 fingering weight yarns, too.
Note: The gradient kits have 5 colors each and they are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You could also make this project in 1 color or any combination of colors. Pattern will describe when to change color as per project in photos.
Note: To get the maximum gradient effect, the 5 colors are sequenced as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Each round describes which color to use if you are using 5 colors. Change colors as you desire if you are using a different color scheme.
If you prefer to make this gorgeous project in one color, here are the yarn specifications for my other #1 fingering weight yarns:
Be So Fine Yarn, 2 balls
Be So Fine BLING Yarn, 2 balls
Be So Lush Yarn, 2 balls
Be So Toasty Yarn, 2 balls
Finished Size:
56 in (142.2cm) wide x 24 in (61cm) tall, after blocking.
Stitch Guide:
Cast on (co), knit (k), purl (p), yarn over (yo), knit 2 together (k2tog), slip slip knit (ssk), slip marker (sm), place marker (pm) and picot bind off (picot bo).
Note: To replicate the color sequence used in the sample shawl, change colors in the following order every 8 rows: Color A (rows 1 – 8), B (rows 9 – 16), C (rows 17 – 24), D (rows 25 – 32), E (rows 33 – 40), D (rows 41 – 48), C (rows 49 – 56), B (rows 57 – 64), A (rows 65 – 72), B (rows 73 – 80), C (rows 81 – 88), D (rows 89 – 96), E (rows 97 – 104).
With color A, CO 15 sts
Row 1: (RS) K1, *place marker, k1; rep from * to end. 14 markers placed. — 15 sts
Row 2: K1, purl to last st, k1. — 15 sts
Row 3: K1, sm, *yo, k1, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 28 sts
Row 4: Knit across.
Row 5: Knit across.
Row 6: K1, purl to last st, k1.
Row 7: K1, sm, *k1, yo, k1, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 41 sts
Rows 8 – 10: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 11: K1, sm, *k1, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, k1, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 67 sts
Rows 12 – 14: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 15: K1, sm, *k2, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, k2, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 93 sts
Rows 16 – 18: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 19: K1, sm, *k2tog, k1, (yo, k1)x2, ssk, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 93 sts
Rows 20 – 22: Rep rows 4 – 6. Fasten off.
Row 23: K1, sm, *k3, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, k3, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 119 sts
Rows 24 – 26: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 27: K1, sm, *k2tog, k2, yo, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, yo, k2, ssk, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 145 sts
Rows 28 – 30: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 31: K1, sm, *k2togx2, (yo, k1)x3, yo, sskx2, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 145 sts
Rows 32 – 34: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 35: K1, sm, *k2togx2, yo, k1, yo, (k1, yo, k1) in same st, yo, k1, yo, sskx2, sm; rep from * to last st, k1. — 171 sts
Rows 36 – 38: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 39: K1, sm, *k2togx2, (k1, yo)x4, k1, sskx2, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 171 sts
Rows 40 – 42: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 43: K1, sm, *k2togx2, (k1, yo)x2, (k1, yo, k1) in same st, (yo, k1)x2, sskx2, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 197 sts
Rows 44 – 46: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 47: K1, sm *k2togx2, k2, (yo, k1)x3, yo, k2, sskx2, sm; rep from * to last st: k1, — 197 sts
Rows 48 – 50: Rep row 4 – 6.
Row 51: K1, sm, *k2togx2, k2, yo, k1, yo, (k1, yo, k1) in same st, yo, k1, yo, k2, sskx2, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 223 sts
Rows 52 – 54: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 55: K1, sm, *k2togx3, (yo, k1)x5, yo, sskx3, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 223 sts
Rows 56 – 58: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 59: K1, sm, *k2togx3, (yo, k1)x2, yo, (k1, yo, k1) in same st, (yo, k1)x2, yo, sskx3, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 249 sts
Rows 60 – 62: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 63: K1, sm, *k2togx3, k1, (yo, k1)x6, sskx3; rep from * to last st: k1. — 249 sts
Rows 64 – 66: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 67: K1, sm, *k2togx3, (yo, k1)x3, (k1, yo, k1) in same st, (k1, yo)x3, sskx3, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 275 sts
Rows 68 – 70: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 71: K1, sm, *k2togx3, k2, yo, (k1, yo)x5, k2, sskx3, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 275 sts
Rows 72 – 74: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 75: K1, sm, *k2togx3, k2,(yo, k1)x2, yo, (k1, yo, k1) in same st, (yo, k1)x2, yo, k2, sskx3, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 301 sts
Rows 76 – 78: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 79: K1, sm, *k2togx4, (yo, k1)x7, yo, sskx4, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 301 sts
Rows 80 – 82: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 83: K1, sm, *k2togx4, (yo, k1)x3, yo, (k1, yo, k1) in same st, (yo, k1)x3, yo, sskx4, sm; rep from * to latest: k1. — 327 sts
Rows 84 – 86: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 87: K1, sm, *k2togx4, (k1, yo)x8, k1, sskx4, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 327 sts
Rows 88 – 90: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 91: K1, sm, *k2togx4, (k1, yo)x4, (k1, yo, k1), (yo, k1)x4, sskx4; rep from * to last st: k1. — 353 sts
Rows 92 – 94: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 95: K1, sm, *k2togx4, k2, (yo, k1)x7, yo, k2, sskx4; rep from * to last st: k1. — 353 sts
Rows 96 – 98: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 99: K1, sm, *k2togx4, k2, (yo, k1)x7, yo, k2, sskx4, sm; rep from * to last st: k1. — 353 sts
Rows 100 – 102: Rep rows 4 – 6.
Row 103: Rep row 99.
Row 104: Knit across.
Picot bind off as follows: *Kco 3, bo 6. Rep from * across. Fasten off.
Weave in loose ends. Hand wash, block to finished measurements and allow to dry.
Browse #1 Fingering Weight Yarns here:
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
Browse More Knit Shawl Patterns here:
#5 Bulky Weight Yarn
#3 DK Weight Yarn
#5 Bulky Weight Yarn
#5 Bulky Weight Yarn
#3 DK Weight Yarn
#2 Sport Weight Yarn
#5 Bulky Weight Yarn
#4 Worsted Weight Yarn
#5 Bulky Weight Yarn
#2 Sport Weight Yarn
#5 Bulky Weight Yarn
#4 Worsted Weight Yarn
#5 Bulky Weight Yarn
#5 Bulky Weight Yarn
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
#2 Sport Weight Yarn
#3 DK Weight Yarn
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
#4 Worsted Weight Yarn
#4 Worsted Weight Yarn
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
#4 Worsted Weight Yarn
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
#1 Fingering Weight Yarn
Kristin Omdahl patterns are for your personal use only and not to be used to create items for commercial gain. All Kristin Omdahl patterns are licensed for single use and remain the intellectual property of Kristin Omdahl. This pattern may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise.
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