Category Archives: Podcast

Introducing Yarn Tales with Kristin Omdahl: An Inspirational Journey of Suspense, Mystery, and Drama

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling new adventure? I am beyond excited to [...]


Invitation to Participate in the 1000th Episode of The Kristin Omdahl Show

Invitation to Participate in the 1000th Episode Celebration of The Kristin Omdahl Show As the [...]

Don’t Let Learning to Knit or Crochet Intimidate You – Everything is Easy Once You Know How

It can be intimidating to decide you want to try and learn a new hobby [...]

Designing LIVE with Kristin Omdahl on episode 557 of Create Share Inspire Podcast

Designing LIVE with Kristin Omdahl on episode 557 of Create Share Inspire Podcast On Friday, [...]

Designing LIVE with Kristin Omdahl on Create Share Inspire Podcast Episode 554

On Friday, March 6, 2020, I will live stream broadcast my Create Share Inspire Podcast [...]

Thank you and a Quick Update

Hi everyone! Thank you so very much for all of your support and concern the [...]


Thanks to YOU for achieving the 500th Episode of Create Share Inspire Podcast!

Thanks to YOU for achieving the 500th Episode of Create Share Inspire Podcast! It is [...]


Create Share Inspire Podcast Schedule Update July 19, 2019

Here is a handy reference for the podcasts recorded this week as well as the [...]

Create Share Inspire Video Podcast LIVE 6 days a week with Kristin Omdahl

Join me, Kristin Omdahl, LIVE 6 days week for sunrise on the beach with Create [...]

My Favorite Sleeping Remedies

My Favorite Sleeping Remedies For the last few weeks, my family has been struggling with [...]