Help Eradicate Domestic Violence

You are NOT ALONE. If you, or someone you know needs help, PLEASE reach out! If you are in immediate danger, please call 9 – 1 – 1.

For anonymous, confidential help, 24/7, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).

Links To Help By State

Proudly announcing Project Kristin Cares: Kristin Omdahl is committed to helping fellow survivors of domestic violence and shedding light on this frightening and often hidden crime in our society. In an attempt to achieve these goals and help eradicate domestic violence, Kristin donates through the fund she established: Project Kristin Cares.

Together we can help survivors of domestic violence.

The funds raised by the sale of the Project Kristin Cares Shawls for Sharing Patterns will be donated to the National Network to End Domestic Violence. You can help raise awareness, and end domestic violence, by purchasing these special patterns, donating directly, and/or participating in our KAL and CAL events, and then donating your Shawls to the location of your choosing. Together we can help survivors of domestic violence.

How else can you help?  Lots of ways!  First of all, share the information, share this website – spread the word about Project Kristin Cares, and help to shed light on domestic violence and how we are helping.  Donate your time to teach a skill at your local shelter. Gather supplies that your local shelters need. Donate items to silent auctions to raise money.

And please, if you, or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Life CAN be better, and please remember that love doesn’t hurt!

Project Kristin Cares: Help Eradicate Domestic Violence

Additional Resources

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If your organization would like to apply for funds from Project Kristin Cares, please fill out this form and we will reply to you promptly!

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