New Website Homepage! Better Navigation Tools for All Knitting & Crochet Resources

Update 2/4/2021: This blog post refers to a website that is no longer in use.  xoxo Kristin

New Website Homepage! Better Navigation Tools for All Knitting & Crochet Resources

Happy Monday! I have a new homepage on my website. I hope you find it easier to navigate through all the wonderful resources I provide for the love of knitting and crochet on my website. Please check it out HERE and let me know!

The history of Kristin Omdahl’s knitting and crochet website

Did you know that I started my website almost 15 years ago? I’ve worked with Squarespace this whole time for design and hosting and I love this platform very much.

When I designed my logo, I then redesigned it a few times, and changed the color a few times, too. I have had my current logo for several years now. I love the design and the colors so much now. Some things take time to get just right!

Originally my website was mostly blog, free patterns and photo galleries. When I first launched Kristin Omdahl Yarns, I had an Etsy shop but when Squarespace added an e-commerce component I added an e-commence store to my website.

Keeping Kristin Omdahl’s knitting and crochet website fresh feel

Every few years I give my website a new look and feel. And I did that earlier this year, but neglected to make a homepage! I got distracted by some other project on my plate, I guess. I was stumped for the design of it, so instead of pressuring myself, I back burnered the project. But this weekend I felt motivated to work on a homepage again. And I discovered a youtube tutorial during my cardio session at the gym that taught me how to make 3d metallic lettering in Photoshop. How is that for multi-tasking on a Sunday? Immediately, it sparked a desire to make a welcome sign in shiny platinum and to create cute navigation buttons to make an organized homepage. So the website homepage project was back on the front burner!!!

I learned how to take any font in Photoshop and turn it into gold, silver or platinum 3-D shiny, metallic goodness. The gold is my favorite, but the platinum matches the look of my website the best. I am so glad I can add this new tool to my Photoshop skill set. Can’t wait to use it again for a new graphic! Then I played around with the cute navigation button designs in Canva and before I knew it, the clock struck midnight and I knew I had to be up early this morning to host the Create Share Inspire Podcast. So I made it live and went to bed. There are still a few kinks to work out, but overall I love the look and feel of it, and the organization as well.

Please have a look at the homepage HERE and tell me what you think in the comments!

xoxo, Kristin

Shop Kristin Omdahl Yarns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Crochet Patterns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Knitting Patterns HERE

I would love to see your creations. Just as much fun as making these myself is the satisfaction I get from seeing my designs come to life and other crochet fans wearing them too. There are now 2 ways you can share what you have done!

  • Share yours by joining  Create. Share. Inspire on Facebook where you can interact with me as well as many other members who have a love of knitting and crochet just like you! It is a wonderful and safe place to share your photos of finished projects in my knitting or crochet patterns or yarns, and to see what others are making, too.
  • I have recently added a wonderful new interactive section to the website which I invite you to take part in, it has been a smashing success and such fun so far. It is the new “Share Your Project” section. You, my creators, can upload images and descriptions of your creations to share with the ever growing community! To upload simply click here. 

Additionally, I host a livestreaming podcast weekday on my YouTube Channel called Create Share Inspire Podcast. You can join the audience and even ask me questions LIVE! I often do a show and tell, or quick demo and I always interact with the live audience. It is a lot of fun!

You can browse through over 800 previously recorded episodes HERECreate Share Inspire Podcast Playlist . Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get reminders when the next episode airs LIVE.

I look forward to seeing what you create!

Kristin donates a portion of every sale to her charity Project Kristin Cares, which supports survivors of domestic violence. Learn more at 


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